About Me

Barb on Newport South Jetty - 1980


I’m a veteran, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, writer, amateur radio operator, and a person who never totally grew up. There simply was not time.

Having came on the scene prior to World War II provided me with a different childhood than many may have experienced. My father was not home until I was twelve years old. Before then, as well as after, we moved from pillar to post. Missouri, California, Oregon, Missouri, and then I enlisted in the air force.

Somehow, I scored high enough to earn a seat in a year-long electronic class. That prepared me for a decade as a maintainer of aircraft in both MAC and SAC, providing maintenance to communications and navigation systems on both cargo and combat aircraft. It’s an experience, a highlight in my long life.

Writing is a hobby I began in the early 1960s.  And I’ve been published many times, often for money, but mostly for the pleasure of getting something off my chest.

95 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Ron says:

    Hi Scott, God start on the Blog, I don’t know much about them.
    Thank You for your service in the Air Force.
    Also thank you for the lunch last week. We enjoyed.
    73 de Ron & Marge kj7uo/kb7wxp

    Liked by 1 person

    • I never earned any metals. I fixed navigation and communications systems B-52s and KC-135s. Never was shot at even though I was involved in the Suez Canal, supported carpet bombing in N. Vietnam, years of Airborne Alert, Cuban Missile Crisis, the Dominican Republic Crisis, and a maintenance crew member on the tankers that refueled JFK’s fighter escort when he left the country – Operation Wide Path. But none that put me in harms way.

      As for the Hippies. The ones I knew well were a couple of certified Minnesota School Teachers who bailed. But I haven’t heard from them since they took up teaching once again.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. You’ve got an interesting life story. I liked your children’s comments on your blog. My son was the first person to comment on mine when I began it in May. I look forward to reading more.


  3. This is wonderful! Thank you so very much for your time in the service! We are of similar vintage, as they were still rockin’ ’round the clock when I was born. My husband also can relate as he is finally deciding to nurture the little monster-loving boy that still lives inside of his 60+ year old body! More power to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog, and please excuse my housekeeping. Growing up as a Navy brat, I know better, but as life curves toward the sunset, play and joy rule my day.

    I look forward to following your blog. By the way, when I saw the first reply, my heart skipped a beat. Nothing we ever do, have , or experience, in life will be as joyous as hearing our child’s words of praise. You did well and she is proof positive!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have such an interesting subject – food. I know folks who knit, and others who collect cars, and still others who hang out in a pub. Few of these have any interest in what the other thinks is the end of a rainbow. But fix a plate of food and they all share a common goal – get their share. They say an army moves on their stomachs. You’re on to something here. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey, Scott–thanks for following me. I have a nephew who’s in the Airforce; he’s also worked on cargo aircraft and on fighter jets. We’re very proud of him (and his older brother, a disabled Marine.)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Scott! Great “About” Page. Normally we only publish “stories” on this InLinkz grid. If it were early in the week I would have to delete this off of the grid, but since there is a new challenge coming up this evening and this time frame grid will shut down then I will leave it. I hope you will follow the blog so you will get the weekly challenge post (that is the only thing published on it).

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Vibrant says:

    Dear Scott 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my blog and all the kind words. 🙂
    I feel you are a very simple person too 🙂
    I would love to have more discussions with you.
    I also had an engineering degree in Electronics( had means now it doesn’t matter 🙂 )

    I hope to learn a lot from you about writing and life. 🙂

    Wishing you a wonderful time,


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your kind words. I think it is people like myself who will do the learning. I was a combat aircraft maintainer many years back, maintaining communications and navigation systems on B-52 and KC-135 aircraft. The equipment I kept in repair required a great deal of human interface. It’s been a good life, but I’ve had to run to keep keep abreast. Your EE degree would have been a great asset for me more times than I can recall. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Vibrant says:

        Yes Scott. I feel those were the more difficult times in terms of technology. 🙂 No, please it embarrasses me that you put yourself so politely. I would look forward to our discussions and learning from you. I am currently reading your “The Third Time Is a Charm?” 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Olga Brajnović says:

    My older sister also knew her father when she was twelve because of the war. I find your story very interesting. You sure have a lot to tell. I’m glad to have found you in the blogosphere.

    Liked by 2 people

    • My kids have heard my stories a thousand times and I can see their eyes glaze over when they think they are going to hear it again.

      I saw myself in and old man Barb and I met while having coffee in McDonalds. He told us about his motorcycle from eons earlier, and when he was finished he thanked us for listening. He’d found fresh ears. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Olga Brajnović says:

        I’m sure they are proud of you. I’ve heard my family’s story many times and never got tired of it. It’s part of who I am.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Scott says:

      Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. A couple weeks back I tried to set up an account for my wife. It was a gigantic error. Our profiles became scrambled. She became Scott and I became Barbara. If it weren’t for my numerous mistakes I would have no stories to tell.

      Blogs, as I understand, are supposed to stay closely related to one subject. Staying on topic has always been a tall order for me. As a result you’ll find 425 posts addressing a host of different subjects, many of them important only to me.

      Barb, my wife, is pretty ill, right now. Seeing to her needs requires some time, so if I’m late in responding to a comment or question its because my presence is required elsewhere. But we will soon be back on schedule. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Scott says:

      I’m very sorry you didn’t get to meet your father. If you’ve ever watched the old B&W movie, *12 O’Clock High* you understand what your father faced on each mission.


  9. Scott says:

    Good Morning Sheryl,

    Thank you for your Versatile-Blogger-Award consideration. However, I’ve received a green light on a novel – Cross Country – of which the first 11 chapters require additional editing. I’m not going to be able to give this award, or my blog, the attention they both deserve. I’m sorry.

    Best regards,



  10. I love, And I’ve been published many times, often for money, but mostly for the pleasure of getting something off my chest.

    Yes. Exactly. There’s something about seeing your words in print that absolves you of the responsibility of them. That’s why lazy writers like me love blogs. Faster and easier so prompts lots of words.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you for your service to this country.

    My late father-in-law and his brother were in the Air Force, as was one of my brothers. Most of my uncles were in the Navy, as is one of our sons. Our youngest son is a Marine. Two of my uncles and one of my brothers were in the Army, one in the 82nd Airborne.

    All that to say, I grew up around uniforms and appreciate what they have gone through, what they represent, and the sacrifices made by them and their families.

    May our Father bless you richly for all that you have done.


    • Scott says:

      Thank you very much, but you offer more credit than I deserve. I fixed navigation systems on combat aircraft so others could go into harm’s way. Served 10 years, but never was shot at

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome. No, I think I put it where it is deserved. If you had not done your job properly, they would not have been able to do their jobs or they would not have returned home. Whether you were shot at or not does not diminish the risk that you took by joining in the first place, nor the sacrifices made by your family. You went in knowing the risk of being shot at or worse was there, but you did it anyway. You didn’t dodge your responsibilities or duties.


  12. Welcome to WordPress.com Scott, it is good to have people blogging who have been around for a long time and who have experienced and done many things in their lives, I am sure that you have some interesting stories/dreams/et cetera to share. 🙂

    -John Jr


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